Server Rules

General Rules

By accessing Next CNR services, you and your account(s) agree not to engage in any of the following actions, either intentionally or unintentionally:

Account and Access Management

Never share your NCNR-related accounts, including any linked external accounts, with others.

Restricted Content Sharing:

Do not send or share: Malware (e.g., trojans, ransomware, game cheats).

Inappropriate Content (e.g., adult material, extreme violence, nudity).

Copyrighted Content (that you lack permission to distribute).

Spam (including unsolicited ads, repetitive messages, or excessive swearing).

Unapproved Solicitations for donations, items, or ranks without an explicit public offer.

Harassment and Privacy Violations

Avoid harassing behavior, such as threats, personal attacks, or unwelcome requests for personal details.

Refrain from discussing controversial topics like religion, politics, or sensitive global events.

Never impersonate another individual, and respect all requests to stop communication.

Exploitation of Game Flaws

Do not abuse any bug, glitch, or unintended feature. Report any such issues to NEXT CNR staff and do not disclose them to others.

Interaction with Staff and Other Players

Follow instructions from staff members, and if any staff actions seem unfair, gather evidence and report it to a senior team member.

Prohibited Use of Game Assets and Intellectual Property

Refrain from copying, stealing, reverse-engineering, or redistributing any NCNR-created content, such as scripts or forum content.

Do not seek or share private information (e.g., real names, addresses) about others.

Unauthorized Access

Access only your accounts and systems, and refrain from any cyber-attacks against NCNR or its members.

NCNR-Specific Gameplay Rules (SAMP)

Deathmatch Restrictions: Unjustified attacks on other players are not allowed.

Harassment by Actions: Avoid following, attacking, or otherwise disturbing players if they request you stop.

Gameplay Integrity: Avoid using unfair advantages, like animation commands to dodge attacks.

Improper Chat Usage: Use channels as intended and keep main chat English-only.

NCNR-Specific Forum and Discord Rules

Forum: Avoid posting to expedite reviews or to spark flaming discussions. Keep topics relevant.

Discord: Only tag large groups or individual users when necessary. Follow tag-specific guidelines, especially in different channels.

Administrative Exemptions

Senior Administrators and above may bypass certain rules if required to fulfill duties, provided the action is within their role.